Table of Contents
- 1. Bear-related
- 2. Book-ish
- 3. CheesE
- 4. Cow/fairy-related
- 5. Family/telemarketing-related
- 6. Feelings (blech)
- 7. Ferret/flamingo-related
- 8. Horse-related
- 9. Hot stuff
- 10. Legs (one or more)
- 11. Love poems
- 12. Paper, that thin stuff that comes from trees, you know?
- 13. Plumbing poems
- 14. Poe-tree
- 15. Spooky
- 16. Sweet
- 17. Train/star-related
- 18. Work
1 Bear-related
1.1 Bear hair
Stab the bear! Stab the bear!
It has valuable hair.
If we skin it,
There's no limit
To the clothes we can wear.
1.2 Danger
Animals barely conceive
Dangers existential.
Following grievous hazards
Just koala's last meal.
Nobody opens quail roosts,
Stridently trespassing.
Unless welcome's xenial
Yon' zoa … Attacking!
1.3 Feeding honey to a bear
While feeding honey to a bear,
I fix him with a fearsome stare.
The bear (Carl) asks for more.
Should I go to the store?
Would Carl take my pocket eclair?
1.4 Ro-bear Gerard
The robot bear punches the ground.
It causes shockwaves all around.
Gerard is a stud,
My new bestest bud.
Just a dangerous, cuddly mound.
2 Book-ish
2.1 Book recommendation
Book recommendation
Causes perspiration.
Will my favorite tome
Find itself a new home?
Or will a misplaced line
See it out on its spine?
3 CheesE
3.1 PartE
Flexible collectibles
Are objectively delectable.
Set your table with staples
For a neighbor to come and nibble.
A brand new dinner party
Serving elastic cheese, havarti.
4 Cow/fairy-related
4.1 Canary in a cow-mine
Fearing from fourteen fierce fairies,
Cows contacted a canary.
But it was bird-brained.
No peace was obtained.
Heffers' helper made things hairy.
5 Family/telemarketing-related
5.1 Good boy
I had a post-op visit the other day
and e-mailed my family to let them know
the results. I included the line "was told
I'm a good boy whose knee is recovering".
My mom wrote back first with, "You ARE a good boy!"
My dad wrote back, "you're much more than a good boy
you're the best", and I detected a trend here.
"Who's a good boy? You are! Yes, you are!" came from
my brother. It was comforting to see that
we all have the same email "Yes and" impulse.
They all sent their responses to me alone.
5.2 I don't like talking on the phone
I had a fifteen minute phone
conversation with my dad tonight.
Then a twenty minute call which
turned out to be asking me to give
money to my grad program. I
left both calls feeling equal amounts
of icky weirdness. In one, I
felt bad for not giving more time
to this man who I should feel close
to. In the other, I felt bad for
being too eager to talk to
a complete stranger, who showed a small
amount of interest in my life.
6 Feelings (blech)
6.1 Absurd
What could be more absurd
Than an unspoken word?
Leaving 'til we are dead,
Those feelings left unsaid.
They exist in my mind,
Left where you cannot find
My fearful apathy.
A stubborn empathy.
7 Ferret/flamingo-related
7.1 Furry Furrowers
Fearful of four fighting flamingoes,
Ferrets find fulfillment in furrows.
After finding fields fallow
Few tell the rest to follow.
Fellow ferrets face their final foes.
8 Horse-related
8.1 Yum
Faced with no recourse
I ate a dead horse
Its meat was sweet,
From nose to feet.
I've stolen its force.
9 Hot stuff
9.1 Arson
Fueled by desire
To light a fire
An arsonist
Must use their fist
To keep a spark
Safe from the dark
10 Legs (one or more)
10.1 Olive oil store
Chit chatting on the chairs
At the olive oil store.
Child kicking up her legs
11 Love poems
11.1 Blinded
Yesterday you stole my vision,
Blinded by a strong emission.
You were so bright
That I lost my sight.
In love with nuclear fission.
12 Paper, that thin stuff that comes from trees, you know?
12.1 Paper Airplane
Any breeze can doom 'em.
Fragile, geez how "if-you-know-you-know".
Jeopardies keep loomin',
must-maybes nearly over-o'er-throw.
13 Plumbing poems
13.1 Clogged
My sink is clogged
and it's stressing me out.
Onto the log,
'til sanity's worn out.
13.2 Leaky faucet
Heartbeats like a leaky faucet,
Sleeping like a newborn deer.
14 Poe-tree
14.1 Huh
A tree made full with flowers
Could be stared at for hours.
Try to peek inside
To see what may hide.
Maybe one of those tree showers?
15 Spooky
15.1 Haunted Jaunt
There once was a boy out on a jaunt.
But none need fear that them he would haunt.
For the boy was a ghost.
On his mind the foremost
Pale spectral trails he wanted to flaunt.
If by chance you e'er meet a specter,
You should not run or try to hector.
What would strike a ghoul dumb
Is the juice of a plum.
Not a one can resist that nectar.
15.2 Fake moon
Baby penguin, tubular
Angst teen penguin
1 king penguin in business suit with fake suitcase, maybe a rock
2 queen penguin
16 Sweet
16.1 Yum
Shallow callow marshmallow
Build a bridge of friendship from mashmallow
Deep chasm between us
16.2 Yumm
In my weakness I am meat.
Not the cheapest, bad to eat.
My body fails. All I find
Are wet entrails 'round a mind.
17 Train/star-related
17.1 Going Home
Riding home backwards,
Guarding the front of the train.
The Sun's in my eyes.
18 Work
18.1 This used to be on my "About" page
There was a data scientist
Who helped some folks to get the gist
Of problems they were facing.
Often this would mean chasing
Buggy code that he'd somehow missed.