Table of Contents

1 Chains

1.1 Letter

1.1.1 Aliens

Aliens spend decades sowing great terror.

1.1.2 Few

Few women need dingus spouses

1.1.3 Today

Today you understand dreams.

1.2 Syllable

1.2.1 Time

Time mice cite time mites.

2 Long

2.1 Unruly, A-Z

All alphabets allow amusement.

But becoming bored bites.

Consider consuming comforting creations.

Dandelions, daffodils, dingoes, doggies.

Every entertainment entails effort.

Frequently, fear freezes feet.

Graciously grief grants growth.

Hope, however, houses horror.

Insistently incapable instances interfere,

Jovially joining joyless journeys.

Kindness kills kids’ kisses.

Lovingly lowering local lonesomeness.

Mechanisms melt mental measures,

Nonsense nobody notices normally.

Opinionated operations openly opine,

Practically preaching precious practices.

Quitting quells questions. Quiet.

Runts rule rusty ruins.

Spittle speckles spotted, spiraling

Towers. Tolerance to toxicity

Unavoidable. Unless unfortunates unveil

Venerable Venn-shaped venom vents.

Without wind, will withdraws,

Xenophobic. Xenial Xeresian xenolith

Yoo-hoos your youth. Yoinking

Zealous zebras and zeppelins. Zeugma.

2.2 Carrot cartons

Carrot cartons carry carrion carefully,

'cause careless carting can cause camel catastrophes.

Clasping, clenching clippers closely. Clue.

Crabs creep. Crippled crocodiles crunch! Cry.

Flags flew flickering, floating, fluttering, flying.

Fleeing fleas flew to flexible fleurs.

Frame freeze - frictionless frozen fruits frying.

Fresh from France, Frankie's frumpy fruits frustrate

Grandfatherly gremlin grifters growl gruffly.

Long-lost lovers lose loyalty.

Monkeys moan morosely, moreover, most moan more on Monday.

Track trainers trade tragedies, traveling by train.

"Trading Treats tricks trolls truly try."

While whiffing, white whiskers whisper, "Which?"

3 Short

3.1 Perfume

Perfumery performances,

Frantically framing fragrances.

A romantic aroma arose.

Author: Eric

Created: 2023-07-19 Wed 21:15
